How to Create a Hotspot Quiz


"Hotspot Questions" are visual questions that can make quizzes exciting and fun. These questions allow the participants to click a spot on an image as the correct answer. While creating the questions, you can determine what area of the image acts as the answer, and the size of this area is customizable.


Watch this quick video to learn how to create a hotspot quiz:



Or continue reading to understand it step-by-step.


Hotspot quizzes can be used for various purposes, like:

  • A human anatomy quiz, where the quiz taker has to point to a specific area
  • A geography quiz where you need to mark a location on a map
  • A geometry quiz where the quiz taker has to select a particular type of polygon
  • In quizzes, where quiz taker must choose an object from a collection


Here's a great example of what a hotspot quiz looks like:





How to Create a Hotspot Quiz


Step 1: On your quiz maker dashboard, click Create a quiz > Create Scored Quiz.


Step 2: Click Create from Scratch. 


Step 3: In the quiz editor, click +Add Question.


Click on 'Add Question'


Step 4: Select 'Hotspot' in the overlay and click 'Add Question' to finish adding.


Select Hotspot from the Question Type


Step 4: Enter the question. We will use the question "The most common type of point tenderness is McBurney point. Where is it located?" as an example.


Hotspot Quiz Sample Question


To change the template image with your image(600*300), click on Change.


Change the hotspot question image


Step 5: In the 'Change' section,

  • You can upload your image or search for one on Google or Pexels.
  • After the upload, you can adjust the size of the hotspot area as per your requirements.


Select the question


NOTE: You can click on Edit Image to adjust different aspects and crop it according to your preferences. 


Step 6: Click Done to complete adding your hotspot question.


That is all about creating a hotspot quiz.



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