How to Bulk Import Questions From Word


Import multiple quiz questions from a Microsoft Word document into ProProfs Quiz quickly and efficiently. This feature facilitates the seamless transfer of question sets, ensuring accuracy and consistency in quiz formatting. 


Use Case: 

Imagine you are a teacher preparing for the end-of-semester exams and need to create multiple quizzes based on your course material. Instead of manually typing each question and answer into the quiz editor, you can prepare a Word document with all your questions and import them all at once, saving time and reducing the risk of errors.



  • Efficiency in Quiz Creation: Bulk importing questions streamlines the setup process, allowing you to upload multiple questions simultaneously.

  • Accuracy and Consistency: Using a standardized document format ensures that all questions adhere to the required structure and formatting.

  • Time-Saving: This method significantly reduces the time spent entering individual questions and answers, especially for large quizzes.


To Import Questions in Bulk Using a Word file


Step 1:  In the quiz editor, click “+Add question.” 


add question


Step 2: Select “Import Questions” from the Question Type screen.


import questions


Step 3: Select “Doc” as your file type on the Import Questions screen and click the “Next” button.


select doc as import type question


Step 4: To ensure your document is formatted correctly and accepted during upload, download the Sample Upload File.docx in the import question screen and open the downloaded file in Microsoft Word to view the required formatting.


upload file


Tip: You can use the Sample Upload File template to structure your Word document accordingly before uploading. This step is crucial to avoid any issues during the import process.


Here’s the preview of the sample Word file with question-and-answer options in the required format:


word file preview


Before importing, ensure the following formatting in your Word document:


  • Arrange your questions in numerical order. For example, 1. _______, 2. ______

  • Add the answer options in a lettered list using small letters. For example, a. _____, b. _____

  • Highlight the correct answer option in bold format.


Important: Adhere strictly to the formatting guidelines shown in the sample document. Any deviation from this format will lead to an unsuccessful upload of your questions.


Here’s how the formatting of the questions and answer options should appear in your Word file:


question formatting in word


Step 5: After uploading, a preview screen will display your questions. Check to ensure everything appears as expected. If satisfied, click “Add to Quiz” to finalize the import.


preview questions


Here’s how the uploaded questions appear in the quiz editor:


uploaded questions in quiz editor


You can open and preview a question to verify if it’s working fine. 


quiz preview

That’s all about importing questions in bulk from your Word file. If you encounter any issues or have any questions, feel free to contact our support team.


Related Articles:

  • How to Bulk-Import Questions From Excel
  • How to Set up Branching in a Quiz
  • How to Set up a Learning Path
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