How to Add & Use Rank Order Question Type in Personality Quizzes


Rank order questions let you ask quiz takers to rank a set of options based on their preference or importance. You can use rank-order questions to create personality quizzes that reveal the traits or characteristics of your respondents based on how they order the choices.


For example, you can create a quiz that asks respondents to rank their favorite colors from 1 to 4. Based on their ranking, you can assign different points to each color and calculate the total score for each respondent. Then, you can use the score to show different results or feedback based on the personality type associated with each color.


Here's what the rank order question will look like in a personality quiz:


Personality quiz preview with rank order question type


Benefits of using the rank order question type in your quiz:


Personalized feedback: You can provide different feedback based on the order of choices selected by the quiz taker. This can help them understand their personality traits better and get tailored advice.


Engaging and interactive: You can make your quiz fun and exciting by asking the quiz taker to rank their preferences, opinions, or values. This can also increase the response rate and completion rate of your quiz.


To add & use rank order question type in your quiz:


1. Click Create a Quiz in your ProProfs Quiz Maker account.


Create a new quiz


2. Switch to Personality Templates and click Create to design a personality quiz from scratch. Or you can select a template to customize. 


Create a personality quiz from scratch or use a template 

3. In the quiz editor,

  • Click Add Question (1) on the top right.
  • Select Rank Order (2) in the overlay and click Add Question (3) to finish adding the new question type to your quiz.


Add Rank Order question type to your personality quiz


4. Enter your question text and answer options. You can add more options by clicking Add Option.


  • After adding the question and answer options, you can associate a personality type with each option.
  • Next, you can assign points for each option in the rank order. Feel free to add points to ranks based on your business requirements.


Enter question, answer options. Add personality and assign points to ranks


5. Add a few more questions to let quiz takers rank the answer options based on their preferences. Once done, click Save


Create the personality quiz with rank order question types


Now, you can share the quiz to collect responses. 


Here's what the result of the personality quiz having rank-order question type will look like:


Result preview of the personality quiz


And that's it! If you encounter any issues or have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. 



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