How to Search for Users From the Quiz Maker Dashboard


Quickly find users, groups, and quizzes with ProProfs Quiz Maker’s powerful search feature on the dashboard. Save time and get the results you need!



Find Users Quickly and Easily with ProProfs Quiz Maker’s Dashboard Search!

 Searching for a user from the quiz maker dashboard


Benefits of the search functionality:


  • Saves time: The robust search functionality saves you time locating the exact result.
  • Precise results: The search functionality makes your search accurate and helps you find exactly what you’re looking for.
  • Versatility: You can also search for groups and quizzes from the dashboard, making it a versatile tool for managing your content on ProProfs Quiz Maker.


Here’s how you can use the robust search functionality in quiz maker:


Step 1: On your ProProfs Quiz Maker dashboard,


  • Go to the search bar
  • Click the advanced search button to access additional search options.


Navigate to the Search Bar and click Advanced Search Button to access additional options


Step 2: Type in the user name or email and select from the results.


Note: You can also search for groups and quizzes using the same process. Searching for a group will take you to the group while searching for a quiz will open it in editor mode.


Searching for a user from the quiz maker dashboard


That is all about user-search functionality in quiz maker.




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