How to Find & Use Join Codes for Self-Enrollment
ProProfs Quiz Maker allows multiple ways of registering into a classroom. And one of the methods to self-enroll in a group is using the Join code. With this, instructors don’t have to add the learners to the group manually.
Each group has a specific join code which you can change in the group settings.
Self-registration using the Join code lets you:
Easily join the group without submitting a request.
Quickly join the classroom, saving your time and effort.
In this article, you’ll learn:
1. How to Enable User Registration Using the Join Code
2. How to Locate the Join Code
To Enable User Registration Using Join Code
Step 1: In your ProProfs Quiz Maker dashboard, go to Classroom.
Step 2: Navigate to the classroom and click More > Edit.
Step 3: Go to options: Welcome Screen > Registration Form.
Step 4: Enable “Self Enrollment Using Secret Join Code” using the toggle button and click Save.
To Locate the Join Code
Step 1: Go to “Groups” of your classroom.
Step 2: Click Settings to view the join code.
Step 3: To change the join code, click the edit icon, enter the new join code, and click Save.
That is all about user enrollment using the Join code.