How to Manage Users in a Classroom



ProProfs Quiz Maker allows you to manage users in your quiz account. You can add users, assign quizzes, and even club users to a group.


When you exceed your user limit, you can delete users who are no longer available and add new users in their place to continue to assign and share quizzes with them.


However, deleting a user will erase all the information and reports related to them.


Managing users in ProProfs Classroom lets you:


  • Mark users as active/inactive as per their activity

  • Optimize classroom space by removing users who are no longer available

  • Modify classroom login details for users for secure access


In this article, you’ll learn:


1. Adding Users to a Classroom

2. How to Manage Classroom Invitations

3. Deleting a User 

4. Setting an Expiration Date for a User Account


How to Add Users to a Classroom


Step 1: In your ProProfs Quiz Maker dashboard, navigate to “Users.”


navigate to users


Step 2: Click “New User.”


add user in clasrrom


Step 3: Select your preferred method to add users:


1. Manually:

  • Enter the necessary user details to proceed with the registration.
  • Assign Groups (Optional): Expand the “Assign Groups” section to add the new user to one or more existing groups. You can skip this step if you don’t want to assign groups right away.
  • Assign Quizzes (Optional): Expand the “Assign Quizzes” section to assign one or more quizzes to the new user. You can also skip this step if you prefer to assign groups later.


2. Import:

  • Upload a Microsoft Excel file (.xls or .xlsx) or import contacts from Gmail.
  • Your Excel file must include columns for email, password, first name, last name, phone, ID, address, state, city, zip, group, etc.
  • You can also download the sample Excel files (Windows or Mac) if you need a reference for the required format.


Step 4: Review the user details you’ve entered or imported. At the bottom of the form, select one of the following:

  • Save: Add the user and close the form.
  • Save & Add New: Add the user and reopen a blank form so you can continue adding more users.
  • Notify Users (Optional): Check this box to automatically send an email notification to newly added users.
  • Edit Email (Optional): Click this link to customize the invitation email that will be sent to the new users.


You’ll see a confirmation message once the user(s) are successfully added to your classroom.


How to Manage Classroom Invitations


How to Send Invites

  1. On your Classroom dashboard, select the classroom for which you want to send invitations. Click the three dots at the bottom of the classroom and select "Send."

  2. In the Email popup, enter the email address of the user you want to invite to your classroom. You can also import bulk contacts by uploading a Microsoft Excel file. 

    For your convenience, we have placed a default message to send the invitation, but you can personalize both your message and email subject if needed. 
  3. Click "Send" to send the invitation.


How to View Invites Status


Switch to the "Sent Invites" tab in the Email popup. Here, you will see the status of the total number of sent, opened, and pending invitations.


How to View Scheduled Invites


Switch to the "Scheduled Invites" tab in the Email popup to view all email invitations you have scheduled for later.


How to Delete a User


Step 1: In your ProProfs Quiz Maker dashboard, navigate to “Users.” 


navigate to user


Step 2:  Select the user(s) and click the “Delete” icon.


delete user


Step 3:  Click “Delete” to confirm.


confirm to delete user


How to Set an Expiration Date for a User Account


Step 1: In ProProfs Classroom, navigate to the user list and open a user profile.


open user profile


Step 2: Click “Show More” and navigate to “Expiration date.” Select “Expires on date” from the dropdown menu,  set the date, and click “Apply.”


set expiration date


The user account will expire on the selected date.


That is all about managing users in ProProfs Quiz Maker.



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