How Many Different Question Types Does ProProfs Support?


With ProProfs, you have the ability to create a quiz utilizing 15+ question types. This allows you to design a quiz that educates and engages your learners by using an appropriate mix of question types.


Watch this quick video guide to learn about the different question types that ProProfs supports.



Or take this sample quiz to get a first-hand experience with various question types. Also, read on to learn more about them.


Here are the question types that ProProfs Quiz Maker supports:


1. Multiple Choice

2. Multiple Answers (Checkboxes)

3. True or False

4. Fill in the blanks

5. Essay Type

6. Matching

7. Hotspot

8. Drop-down

9. Type-in

10. Order List

11. Note

12. Document

13. Upload Audio/Video

14. Record Audio/Video

15. Upload

16. Comprehension



 1. Multiple Choice


Learners select one option from a list of many options. It is famous for reinforcing simple concepts such as word meanings in a “vocabulary quiz.


A quick tip: All the answer choices, including the correct one, are visible to learners, so make sure the wrong answers are not entirely “made-up,” making it evident to learners.


A GIF showing the preview of a multiple-choice question type


 2. Multiple Answers (Checkboxes)


Learners select one or more options from a list of options. Learners can choose any number of options as more than one correct answer can.


A quick tip: This is the ideal question type to use when there are more than one or two correct answers. You can also use partial grading to award learners partial points for selecting a response that is not entirely incorrect.


A GIF showing preview of a multiple answer choices (Checkbox) question


 3. True or False


It is similar to a multiple-choice question type; the difference is that learners are presented with only two choices or statements, one of which is true or false.


A quick tip: This question type can lead learners to guess the answers, so use this one with caution.


A GIF showing preview of a true & false question


 4. Fill in the blanks


Learners type in the answer into a blank (textbox). The response is automatically compared with your choice of correct answers. If a match is found, the computer grades the answer as valid.


A quick tip: Use the “Fill-in-the-blanks” question if the anticipated answers are open-ended. If only one possible solution exists, then this question type is not ideal.


A GIF showing preview of a fill-in-the-blanks question


 5. Essay Type

Learners write their answers in an essay box. You can set word limits and the box size (height and width) to create short or long-answer questions. Once the learner submits the essay, you can manually grade the answer using our manual grading system.


A quick tip: Though essay question types allow learners greater freedom to express their ideas, they can also get exhausted while writing lengthy answers. Allocate a word limit to these question types to keep learners engaged.


A GIF showing preview of an essay question


Note: The Essay type question allows a rich text editor for quiz takers to format text using a Word-like editing feature in the advanced section of the Essay type question. Also, you can enable the speech-to-text option to let them translate their voice into text and add the answer.


Enable Rich text editor & Speech-to-text option from the Advanced Settings


Here’s what the essay question will look like to the quiz takers.


Essay Question Type Preview


 6. Matching

A matching question type is where learners select the correct answers from a drop-down menu to match two options based on associations and relationships.


A quick tip: This is a great question type to test the reading ability of your learners, so use them to test your learners’ reading skills.


A GIF showing preview of a matching question


 7. Hotspot


Hotspot questions are visual questions where learners select a particular image area as the correct answer. You can change the size of the proper area by adjusting its size.


A quick tip: This quiz question type is excellent for testing visual proficiency and observation skills.


A GIF showing preview of a hotspot question


 8. Drop-down


The Drop-down question type provides multiple answers in a list that drop-opens when clicked. Unlike a typical multiple-choice question, the drop-down question type keeps the answers hidden in an expandable list.


A quick tip: You can provide limited answer options without covering more screen space for a user-friendly experience. 


A GIF showing preview of a drop-down question


 9. Type-In


The Type-in questions are a unique way to check quiz takers’ knowledge retention by typing their responses in a box as the answer. You can use this question type to extract the exact string of words as answers because the quiz taker will instantly know if they have put in the wrong response and will have to try again.


A quick tip: You can provide textual and pictorial hints to assist quiz takers in attempting the type-in question.


A GIF showing preview of a type-in question


 10. Order List


The order list question type lets quiz takers drag and drop answer options to form the correct order. It is helpful to test the analytical skills and understanding levels of learners.


A quick tip: You can provide only images as the answer options, which need to be ranked in a specific order to test the visual comprehension skills of quiz takers.


A GIF showing preview of an order list question


 11. Note


Add a note for your quiz takers, at the start or in between, to convey any info. For instance, you can inform them about upcoming questions being time specific. 


A quick tip: You can use images to make your notes more impactful.


Note preview in a quiz


 12. Document


Add a document to your question which quiz takers can download, and you can add questions for quiz takers based on the doc content.


A quick tip: You can upload the following file type formats- .doc, .docs, .pdf, .ppt, and .pptx as reference material or background information to support the quiz questions.


A GIF showing preview of a document question


 13. Upload Audio/Video


Create an audio/video question for your quiz takers, which they can listen to/watch and answer the questions. 


A quick tip: You can upload a file of up to 600 MB.


A GIF showing preview of an upload audio/video question


 14. Record Audio/Video

The Record Audio/Video question type enables quiz takers to respond by recording an audio or video. Quiz takers can record their voice or a video in real time or upload a recorded file. It’s a fun and engaging way to answer quiz questions for learners and an accessible medium for interview candidates to introduce themselves. Students can present their ideas & projects, and businesses can prompt customers to record audio/video testimonials quickly.


A quick tip: You can choose to let quiz takers respond only by recording in real-time, only by uploading, or both. 


Video Response


A GIF showing preview of a record video question


Audio Response


A GIF showing preview of a record audio question



 15. Upload


Add a question that requires quiz takers to upload an image file or document as a response.


A quick tip: Use this question type to verify any information about the quiz taker, such as name or address.


A GIF showing preview of Upload question


 16. Comprehension


A comprehension question type allows you to ask learners questions based on an essay or book passage. It is excellent for testing the reading and comprehension skills of learners. 


A quick tip: You can mix different questions, such as multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blanks, true & false, etc., for your comprehension.


A GIF showing preview of a comprehension question


That is all about the different question types that ProProfs Quiz Maker supports.



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