How to Show Quiz Scores Based on Tags in Learner Reports



With ProProfs Quiz Maker, learners can view their results organized by topic. This allows them to quickly identify areas where they excel and where they may need to focus more effort.


Here's what the quiz report with topic-based results looks like.


Preview of showing scores based on topics in learner's reports


Benefits of showing scores based on tags:


  • Tag-based scoring provides a breakdown of scores to help learners identify their strong and weak areas.
  • It also helps learners track their progress in a specific topic.


Note: To show topics-based results to learners, you must first create questions based on topics. Learn how.


To show scores based on topics in learners' reports:


Step 1: You must tag the questions according to topics to show results based on them. Go to Settings > General > Scoring > Choose "Assign points to each question" > Manage Point Assignment.



Step 2: Navigate to Order. Select "Shuffle Questions" for "Order of Questions" and choose "Select by tags" for "Number of Questions," then set up the number of questions according to the tags you have used. 


Configure the Order and Number of questions


Step 3: When you have set up the order of questions, navigate to the "Quiz Report" section and ensure you have enabled "Customize quiz report for quiz taker" to turn on "Show result by tags." Save the settings to implement the changes.


Show result by tags



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