How to View the Grade Book Report


A grade book report refers to an online record that summarizes and displays the scores, grades, and performance of learners who have taken quizzes.


It includes information such as the learners' names, email addresses, IDs, the quizzes assigned to them, the date the quizzes were taken, the scores achieved, and so on. The grade book report is usually accessible by teachers and instructors to monitor learners’ progress and performance over time.

Here’s what a grade book report looks like:


Preview of a grade book report


A few benefits of a grade book report:


  • Easy tracking of progress and performance analysis: Instructors can quickly see how each learner is performing on quizzes and identify their strengths & weaknesses

  • Streamlined grading process: Automated grade book reports eliminate the manual effort required to create and maintain learner records and give grades

  • High accuracy: A grade book report can reduce manual calculation errors, ensuring more accurate grades for learners

  • Improved organization: Every critical data related to a learner’s performance in quizzes will be at a centralized location


To view the grade book report:


Step 1: Go to Classroom > Groups of a classroom in your Quiz Maker account.


Open Groups of a Classroom


Step 2: Select a group and navigate to the Reports option.


Select and Group to view its Report


Step 3: Choose Grade Book from the dropdown menu.


Select the Grade Book Report


Step 4: The Grade Book report provides the following info:


  1. A list of the learners added to the group

  2. Average points scored

  3. Total points

  4. Points per Quiz

  5. Download the report or share the report link with your peers.


Preview of the Grade Book report


Note: The personality quizzes differ from scored quizzes. Hence, their points are not displayed in the grade book.



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