How to Brand a Classroom


ProProfs Quiz Maker allows you to customize your classroom branding for a personalized experience. You can do this by adding/editing the quiz title, description, and logo for your classroom login page.


Follow the step-by-step guide below to learn how you can brand your classroom.


Here’s how your Classroom login screen gets enhanced with branding and customization options:


classroom preview


By branding your classrooms, you can:


  • Make your classroom login screen impressive and attractive

  • Showcase your or your client’s brand identity


How to Brand Your Classroom


Step 1: Go to “Classroom.”


classroom link in Quiz maker dashboard


Step 2: Navigate to your classroom and click “Edit.”


edit classroom


Step 3: Click “Welcome Screen > Login Form.” 


customize classroom login screen


Step 4: Under the “Login Form,” edit the classroom title, description, and logo. Click “Save” to apply the changes. 


customize login screen


That is all about customizing your classroom branding in ProProfs Quiz Maker.




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